Baron                      Scroll

Vol. IV   No. 1                                                               Bitburg Alumni Association

Fellow Military Brats:

                 I'm truly honored to be serving as your alumni association president for the next three years.  The reunion held in California was outstanding!  We all need to take time out to thank our Reunion Committee, which included Bill Wiehl, Sue Weeks Hanson, Anne Marie Sorce, and Rose Mari Garrison Davis.  Although we were fewer in numbers, we were still able to retain that "Special Magic" one more time.
                 The next reunion is being planned to be held somewhere on the east coast in 2006.  So, get out your Bitburg hat, shades, suntan lotion and prepare for another fun shindig (am I dating myself?), which will be fun-filled with alumni gatherings along with time to tour the local spots.
                 At the General Assembly held in June 2003 at our alumni reunion in Lake San Marcos, CA, we offered the membership an alternative to producing the Alumni Association’s newsletter, “
Baron Scroll,” and making it available on the internet by linking it to our existing webpage.





Spring 2004

California Dreamin' 2003


It will be cost effective for the organization to use the net.  However, for those of you still needing a “hardcopy”, please let us know so one can be mailed to you.  Hardcopy will be in black and white.

        Our greatttttt! newsletter editor, Kenn Rains, is assembling the articles being forwarded to him by class reps and alumni.  Let's give this method a try and you can let Kenn know what your thoughts are regarding the new system by e-mailing him at [email protected]; writing him at 1137 Pennock Place, Terry MS 39170; or by calling him at (601) 260-6503.

         If you need to contact me by e-mail, please send it to [email protected].  I'm available anytime.

                                  Long live the Barons!


Loretta Rhorer McAtee, Class President